Privacy Policy

The Idemitsu Museum of Arts (here on "the Museum") holds that "all private information provided by visitors are highly important for safeguarding" and is committed to protecting your privacy.

1. Basic Guidelines

The Museum handles visitors’ personal information in accordance with the Policy on Protection and Use of Personal Information.

2. Collection of Personal Information

The Museum collects your personal information within the scope of Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd. and its affiliated groups' corporate purposes. Purposes for the use of your information are stated where you provide them (e.g. written forms) and are collected with your consent.

3. Use of Personal Information

The Museum reserves the right to use your information within the scope of corporate purposes.

4. Provision of Personal Information

The Museum will not disclose your personal information to Third parties unless the following conditions apply.

  1. (1) Consent to disclose information to Third parties is given by the visitor.
  2. (2) The Museum receives a request for disclosure that complies with the law from a public institution.
  3. (3) When all or partial management of personal information is consigned to a Third party under the management and supervision of the Museum.
  4. (4) Other conditions that comply with the law.

5. Correction of Personal Information

The Museum retains and updates personal information from visitors within the scope of corporate purposes.

6. Protection from Unwarranted Access

The Museum protects all unwarranted access to personal information. The Museum is committed to preventing any loss, falsification, and leakage of personal information.

7. Disclosure of Collected Personal Data

The Museum discloses, corrects, or deletes personal information retained from the visitor upon receiving the request from the visitor in question.

8. Continuous Development of the Privacy Policy

The Museum commits to a continuous development and revision of the Privacy Policy and insuring the protection of all personal information provided.
